Do you need to declutter your home? I have been there many times! Here are plenty of things to get rid of without thinking twice!
I completely understand the struggle that comes with having too many things. It can make your space (and you) feel chaotic.
I also get how challenging it can be to let go of items. That’s why I have compiled this list of 21 things that you can get rid of without thinking twice.
I hope this inspires you to declutter your space!
Source: @grocery_outlet
Do you save plastic bags and use reusable totes for errands like groceries? This is good for the environment but can quickly get out of hand.
It drives me crazy when I open my utility closet and plastic bags float out into the hallway. It is wise to think carefully about how many bags you need and use.
Then, you can declutter accordingly. My rule of thumb for plastic shopping bags is to have only one (small) tote full of them.
If you want to switch from plastic bags to reusable totes, these ones are great. They are sturdy and one twelve-pack will probably be plenty for your household.
Source: @askawayblog
If you have a drawer full of chargers for old devices, you are not alone. My junk drawer used to be filled with these things.
Old chargers are nothing but clutter. I recommend that you get rid of them immediately!
It will only take you an afternoon to declutter your chargers. When you know what you are keeping, consider buying some cord storage boxes.
They have helped me eliminate cord tangling. This option includes four boxes!
Check out these cable organizing ideas!
Source: @keepingupwiththewillows
Do you struggle with keeping your Tupperware organized? I know this feeling.
The good news is that there is a simple quick fix. Take a half hour to go through your Tupperware and throw out any containers without lids and vice versa.
You will create instant space for the Tupperware you do use.
Source: @gracezhou60
You are not alone if you have bins of unused hardware. These can easily create clutter in your garage, workshop, or toolshed.
I recommend that you say goodbye to old screws, bolts, and more. You will be giving yourself the gift of more space.
Source: @arieljanzen
How often do you stash instruction manuals in a drawer and then forget about them forever? I am guilty of this as well.
I have realized, however, that most instruction manuals are now available online. If I find myself wishing I hadn’t thrown one out, I can find it with a quick Google search.
If you decide there are some manuals that you refer to often, keep them organized. I love these sturdy binder pockets.
Source: @papermirchi
I know that you probably feel terrible giving away a gift that you don’t use. I feel the same way.
But unused gifts do nothing but sit there and take up space. Why not find someone who can truly enjoy the gift?
If you can’t think of anyone, donating to the Salvation Army or Goodwill is always an excellent option. Give that old gift a chance to shine in someone else’s home!
Source: @oldcellphone
Do you have a tablet, phone, or other device from ages ago? You are not alone.
I have kept many of these. I always intend to get them repaired at some point, but of course, I never do.
Do yourself a favor and say goodbye to them forever. Make room for the things you use regularly.
Source: @courtneytdunn
As much as I love to cook, I love take-out even more! If you are the same way, you probably have a ton of menus lying around.
I used to as well. But the thing is, I never used the menus.
Whenever a takeout craving hits, I automatically go straight to the restaurant’s app or website. If you are the same way, free up some room by getting rid of those unused menus.
Source: @rabbit_recycling
I always think I’m doing something good by saving takeout plasticware and soy sauce. But I rarely end up using those items.
If you have an overflowing drawer of old things from past takeout orders, I understand. I guarantee that you will appreciate getting rid of these things.
I personally still save chopsticks from my take-out orders. If you are the same way, store them in something like this and only keep as many as comfortably fit in here!
Source: @alifemoreorganised
Do you love to wrap presents in pretty paper and add bows, ribbon, and more? Me too!
If I don’t declutter my gift-wrapping station regularly, it gets way overcluttered. If you have old items (or just too many things), throw some out.
I promise that you won’t miss those old scraps of giftwrap and ribbon!
Source: @texasneak
I have a large shoe collection. I am also careful about which shoes I choose to keep.
Wearing old, worn-out shoes can cause foot pain and other issues. Plus, they don’t look (or feel) nice.
Saying goodbye to old shoes is always a win in my book!
Source: @thehub.ibiza
I am a firm believer that you should love your clothes! They should make you feel happy and beautiful.
If you have a closet full of clothes like I do, you probably have a few items you don’t love. I recommend saving only the ones you truly adore.
A thorough closet clean-out will give you more space and bring you more joy! After you’ve decluttered, check out these clever ways to organize your closet!
Source: @averygearywellness
Going through your medicine cabinet regularly is a great idea. I personally don’t take medications that often.
I always worry that I will accidentally take something that has expired. Throwing these items away ASAP will bring you peace of mind and safety.
Source: @blushnbasil
Did you know that makeup and skincare products expire? I didn’t know this until several years ago.
It was a rude awakening for me! I recommend going through these items quarterly and decluttering as needed.
Organizing your daily essentials in a makeup organizer will help with this process. This one is an excellent option.
Source: @irisusa
I have been through many hobbies in my life. Many of them were winners, but some didn’t stick.
If you have tried a lot of hobbies, you might have some extra supplies lying around. These items should automatically go in the “not keeping” pile when you declutter.
Source: @whiteflowerfarmhouse
Old, torn, and stained linens have no place in your home. Throw them out so that you can enjoy fresh, high-quality sheets, blankets, and towels.
Source: @brass_stash
I have a ton of coffee mugs. If you have a large coffee mug collection too, you certainly have your favorites.
This means that you also probably have your least favorites. Why keep coffee mugs that you don’t adore?
Get rid of the ones you avoid using. You will free up valuable space and still get your joyful cup of joe.
Organize the rest with these kitchen shelving storage ideas!
Source: @cecece_lee
If you have a lot of duplicate kitchen tools, it is time to declutter. You don’t need five can openers (I say this from experience!)
Clear out your drawers and cabinets. Keep only the high-quality tools that make your life easier.
Source: @mini_owls
For a long time, the back of my closet was filled with things like fairy wings and animal ear headbands. These fun accessories were from Halloween costumes, of course!
If you have been holding onto costumes and old school or work uniforms, it is time to say goodbye. Keep the memories from those old outfits and free up space!
Source: @organizedbydanielle
If you are like me, you like to keep a tidy pantry. Going through it regularly will help you stay organized.
For me, the first things to go are expired items. Close behind are spices that I don’t enjoy using.
An over-the-door spice rack like this can help you keep track of what you have. This will make it easier to know when it’s time to declutter.
These kitchen storage ideas are sure to help you out as well!
Source: @thedeathofvideo
Do you still have DVD’s that you want to keep? I can understand this.
You should, however, plan to get rid of the ones that you don’t watch. There is no need to clutter your entertainment center with movies that you don’t want to see again.
Once you’ve decluttered, check out these genius ways to organize your home!