They say that everyone has a doppelganger. You might have one of your own — but unless you’re famous, you may never connect with them.
Being a celebrity in 2019 must be odd. Between movies and the internet, famous people are more, well, famous, than ever before. Once a person hits it big, their face is recognizable all over the world.
That even goes for countries that speak other languages. Most of the world consumes a vast amount of American and European media, which means these celebrities are recognizable anywhere around the globe.
And that’s interesting news for someone who bears a resemblance to a celebrity. Depending on how close the likeness is, they might find themselves bombarded with requests for photos and autographs.
That’s a little awkward. However, there are a couple of ways they can handle it. Either they can disappoint everyone by breaking the news they’re not a celebrity or they can go along with it and enjoy a brief moment of what it feels like to be famous.
Presumably, everyone has a different method of handling the madness. Here are 65 people (and a couple of animals) who look eerily close to celebrities.
The first time this person saw Jimmy Fallon, they must have been incredibly confused. That’s their dad posing with Jimmy Fallon’s wax statue. After all, it’s not every day that you see your father hosting a live show on national TV!
2. Games of Thrones spin-off
It seems like everyone and their mother has seen “Game of Thrones,” so it’s no surprise that when someone saw this Peter Dinklage look-alike, they whipped out their camera to take a picture.
3. It’s a tough time for 44
This man is an employee at Walmart, but there’s no denying he looks more than a little bit like Barack Obama. Of course, his hair is gray, so we’ll call him Second Term Obama.
This man looks so much like Bruce Willis that I would’ve assumed it was him unless I was told otherwise. Sometimes, they aren’t just doppelgangers —they’re downright twins.
This man isn’t a dead ringer for Robert Downey Jr., but he looks enough like him that you’ll do a double-take. You might also wonder why Tony Stark is taking public transportation.
6. Imagine giving birth to Ed Sheeran 2.0
This baby looks so much like Ed Sheeran it’s undeniable, but she’s actually a baby girl. Even her mom sees the resemblance and had to take a picture to show off her mini-Ed.
7. Ask him to narrate something
Somewhere in Eastern Europe, there’s a security guard who looks almost exactly like Morgan Freeman. Or maybe this is Morgan Freeman and now we all know what he does in his spare time.
8. Now, where do I know him from?
This one is subtle enough that you could spend a while staring at him, wondering why he looks so familiar. It would be much easier to make the connection if he was on a talking white stallion.
9. You’d think he could afford a car
If you did a double-take when you saw this man, don’t worry — it’s not the late-night host Conan O’Brien. It’s just a very similar-looking person who clearly doesn’t have his own show because he’s on a subway.
10. The Hispanic version of Danny Devito
Celebrity look-alike-ness can transcend race. No, Danny Devito isn’t Hispanic and this man is. But boy, do they look almost exactly alike. I’d be tempted to go talk to him to see if he sounds anything like that the famous Devito holler.
11. He’s even got the shirt on
You get the feeling this guy knows exactly how much he looks like Robert Downey Jr., which is why he’s wearing that shirt. He’s just pretending to have no idea what’s going on.
12. He’s a time traveler!
There seem to be tons of Conan O’Brien doppelgangers. This vintage photo shows that Conan O’Brien wasn’t even the first person to look like Conan O’Brien.
13. There are many Jimmies
For every Conan O’Brien look-alike, there are several for Jimmy Fallon. This man looks so much like the late-night host you might stare for a few minutes, wondering what on earth is going on.
14. On a flight with a mad scientist
If you’ve never seen the movie Jurassic Park, let me cut to the chase for you: this guy looks exactly like the one who built Jurassic Park. Hopefully, this flight isn’t going to a tropical island.
15. Where’s his other ear?
Okay, okay, Vincent Van Gogh didn’t technically cut off his ear. Regardless, all you have to do is look at one of his many self-portraits to see that this guy is a dead ringer for him.
16. Has anyone ever said you look like Tom Hanks?
Although his hair is a different texture from the famous springy Hank’s curls, this guy’s features look a lot like his. The two men’s appearance is so much alike that this poster had to snap a photo in the middle of a game.
17. What’s Vlad doing here?
No, this isn’t Russian President Vladimir Putin riding on this subway, but it sure as heck looks like him. Apparently, the subway is the place to find celebrity doppelgangers.
18. He even has the same glasses!
Alexei may have been a short-lived character in Stranger Things: Season 3, but he won everyone’s hearts with his charm and his love of cherry slushies. This guy could have been his son, complete with the glasses and curly hair to match.
19. Does Daniel Radcliffe have a sister?
This lady might not make you look right away, but after a moment, it becomes obvious.. She is pure Radcliffe, down to her broad smile and dark eyebrows. At least she doesn’t have a scar.
20. That’s pure Cage right there
Sometimes, you can even find celebrity look-alikes across species. For example, you might think this is just a normal orange cat. But the more you look, the more you realize its Nicholas Cage in feline form.
21. The resemblance is uncanny
Look, it’s Jon Snow, another face that’s recognized all over the world thanks to the popularity of Game of Thrones! Nope, it’s just a Jon Snow doppelganger with some seriously amazing curls.
22. Michael Scott got a nose job
This man has a slightly more prominent nose than Steve Carrell does, but there’s still no denying a similarity. Should we ask him to yell, “I declare bankruptcy”?
This police officer is Caucasian, but there’s no denying how similar he looks to Carlton of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air fame. Now, we just want to see him perform the classic Carlton dance.
Fashions come in and out of style, but when they get too iconic, they’re better left in the past. This guy’s T-shirt and vest combo say “modern hipster” but his little mustache says “1930s Germany.”
This looks like a low-budget spinoff about some friends named Ron, Miranda, Renee, Fifi, Jojo, and Cameron who live in an apartment in New York. I bet they’ll take this one off Netflix, too.
26. Sir, you have something on your neck…
Okay, this one might not count, but there’s still something familiar about the folds of skin on this man’s neck. Add a couple of gap teeth and a performance of “Neverending Story” and it’s Dustin!
Here’s one that you might not realize on your own, but once you see it, you won’t believe our eyes. Here, I’ll ruin it for you: this dog looks just like actor Richard Gere.
28. He only gets more handsome as he ages
This man was spotted on public transit in Turkey, and you’ll notice he looks just a wee bit like George Clooney. Don’t worry about the gray in your hair, sir. People say Clooney only looks better with age.
29. She looks like she wants to build a park
Sometimes, people share just a couple of distinguishing features that make them look like a celebrity. This Super Lawyer looks very similar to Pawnee’s Parks and Recreations deputy director, Leslie Knope — also known as actress Amy Poehler.
In some instances, a celebrity resemblance crosses genders. This is probably someone’s mother, but I just can’t get around the fact that she looks a lot like Bill Gates.
31. Off-brand Michael Scott
This man looks like a discounted version of Steve Carell, sold by a store brand. I don’t know what store it would be, but whatever it was, this is what it would sell.
32. He wanted to travel faster
While this man looks exactly like Abraham Lincoln, he doesn’t appear nearly as impressed as the real Lincoln would be while boarding a plane. Can you imagine flying after riding horses and in carriages your whole life?
33. After “The Revenant,” he changed careers
This man is heavier and his hair is a bit different, but he still has a definitive Leonardo DiCaprio look about him. Maybe it would be easier to see the resemblance if he was holding a coveted Oscar?
34. No, we’re not related
I’m not sure who this wood enthusiast is, but he looks like he could be Ryan Gosling’s cousin. Instead of acting, he pursued carpentry and loves to wear flannels while posing with random pieces of his work.
Ted Cruz was the butt of many doppelganger jokes back in 2016, including a comparison to Kevin Malone of “The Office” fame. But he also bears an uncanny resemblance to this young lady.
This handsome sweater model looks quite a bit like Childish Gambino, also known as Donald Glover. He got his start on the TV show “Community,” and, if the legends are true, ended as a model for Warby Parker.
The 2010s have seen a wealth of live-action remakes of animated movies. Some have been a success and others a flop. If Up ever gets remade, they’ll need to give this man a call.
38. Don’t believe him – Just watch
This poster sent in a photo of their father from 1982, saying he looked like a retro Pakistani Bruno Mars. He doesn’t have Mars’ bright smile, but other than that, I’d have to say I agree!
39. This one has to be deliberate
This is such a dramatic look that it’s hard to believe it’s coincidental. Regardless, this person looks almost exactly like Michael Jackson, which, truth be told, is a difficult look to copy.
40. She’s the spitting image!
Sure, you might not know her name (spoiler alert: it’s just Granny), but she was probably a part of your childhood. I just wish this lady had a tiny little bird in a cage for full authenticity.
41. Watch out for zombies
You may be used to seeing this guy fight off zombies, but you should know that’s not the real Rick Grimes. This man has probably never even seen a zombie before!
42. Taking gold for womanizing
Barney Stinson of “How I Met Your Mother” fame was known for his long bucket list. But I don’t remember that including competing in the Olympics as an athlete for the United Kingdom.
43. Off-brand Childish Gambino
Childish Gambino is apparently a more common sight than you think! This guy was spotted in a parking lot and the poster just had to take a picture. Of course, if you don’t see the resemblance, it might be because he has a shirt on.
44. Alive and still kicking
There’s a storyline in “Doctor Who” that involves Winston Churchill. I can only conclude it’s 100 percent true and that this man is the time-traveling Winston Churchill for real.
45. Peeta after living in the Capitol
This one might take a moment to get, but it’s pretty noticeable once you see it. Unique hairstyle aside, this person really looks like Josh Hutcherson, particularly when he’s blond for the role of Peeta in The Hunger Games.
Okay, she might not technically be a celebrity, but if you count the art world, she definitely is. The Mona Lisa is quite possibly the most famous art figure of all time, so it’s no wonder that this lady makes you do a double-take.
47. Am I in a Marvel movie?
The world mourned earlier this year when it lost Marvel creator Stan Lee, known for his colorful cameos in all the movie adaptations. Looking at this man, you might think the news of Lee’s death was all a dream!
48. A wizard always bets exactly what he means to bet
Sure, the mustache, beard, and long white hair definitely help, but this man’s features are totally Sir Ian McKellan. Of course, you can be the one to decide if wizards play casino games or not.
49. Why fly when you have a space car?
You might not notice it at first glance, but if you take a second look, you might see that this guy looks just a little bit like eccentric tech entrepreneur Elon Musk.
50. The Indian version of a meme
The man known to the internet as “Hide the Pain Harold” is actually a Hungarian stock photo model named András Arató. But Arató isn’t the only one who has an interesting smile that looks like he’s suppressing something.
51. Doesn’t he look like “Mad Men”
There’s no question that this guy has a distinctly Jon Hamm look about him. It gets stronger the longer you look, until you can’t deny it anymore!
52. Complete with the Wolverine look
This man looks like Hugh Jackman and he knows it. To prove it, he’s going to throw together this unique style so that no one doubts it. He probably doesn’t have blades in his fingers, though.
53. Don’t sing or he’ll say something mean
This guy is innocently lounging at a table, but there’s no denying he looks just like talent scout and TV show judge Simon Cowell. There’s only one way to find out the truth: sing loud and proud. If he says something mean, it’s him!
54. They could be brothers
A lot of styling goes into creating celebrities’ looks, from singers to actors, TV hosts, and politicians. This guy looks so much like Kanye West. The only real difference is the clothing.
This one might take you a moment since the two men are of different races. But after a few seconds of staring into their eyes, you’ll have no problem figuring out that this guy looks like Will Smith.
56. It’s….JOHN CENA!!
Sure, that crop of thick blond hair might throw you off but there’s just no getting around that this guy looks a lot like professional wrestler John Cena. But does he have his own theme song?
57. Give him a Scooby snack
Who knew the real-life Scooby-Doo would look so suave? Of course, he’d look even more authentic if he were beside a real-life Shaggy.
58. Would she like a nice Chianti?
Sometimes, celebrity look-alikes hop gender lines. This elderly Russian lady is probably really nice! But she looks like everyone’s favorite cannibal, Hannibal Lector.
59. He’s not mean, just really condescending
I’m not sure whether this guy is really a chef or if he just dressed up for the part, but either way, he’s the spitting image of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay.
One poster shared this image of their grandmother in the 1930s. It was long before the advent of Game of Thrones, but there’s just no getting around the fact that she looks like an early Arya Stark.
61. Time for an Ed meetup
This man is frequently mistaken for Ed Sheeran, a fact he shared with the singer when the two of them finally crossed paths at an event in South Africa.
62. He said he’d be back
Who said doppelgangers had to be the same race? The Terminator is white and this man is black, but they still look like they could be related.
63. Apparently, this is a frequent problem.
This poor man looks so much like presidential candidate Bernie Sanders that he wears a special sweatshirt so people won’t bother him. How many times did that have to happen before people got it?
64. Music trumps movies any day
Adam Sandler is a master of the comedy genre when it comes to movie making. But something tells us he couldn’t hold a candle to whatever this musical madness is. Thankfully, he doesn’t have to. People tend to think it’s him anyway.
65. It’s Bogglepuff Crimplebirch!
This man not only looks like Benedict Cumberbatch, but his wizard costume makes it seem as though he’s starring in a low-budget knockoff of Doctor Strange.
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Source: Reddit
They say that everyone has a doppelganger. You might have one of your own — but unless you’re famous, you may never connect with them.
Being a celebrity in 2019 must be odd. Between movies and the internet, famous people are more, well, famous, than ever before. Once a person hits it big, their face is recognizable all over the world.
That even goes for countries that speak other languages. Most of the world consumes a vast amount of American and European media, which means these celebrities are recognizable anywhere around the globe.
And that’s interesting news for someone who bears a resemblance to a celebrity. Depending on how close the likeness is, they might find themselves bombarded with requests for photos and autographs.
That’s a little awkward. However, there are a couple of ways they can handle it. Either they can disappoint everyone by breaking the news they’re not a celebrity or they can go along with it and enjoy a brief moment of what it feels like to be famous.
Presumably, everyone has a different method of handling the madness. Here are 65 people (and a couple of animals) who look eerily close to celebrities.