65 people who look exactly like celebrities

They say that everyone has a doppelganger. You might have one of your own — but unless you’re famous, you may never connect with them.

Being a celebrity in 2019 must be odd. Between movies and the internet, famous people are more, well, famous, than ever before. Once a person hits it big, their face is recognizable all over the world.

That even goes for countries that speak other languages. Most of the world consumes a vast amount of American and European media, which means these celebrities are recognizable anywhere around the globe.

And that’s interesting news for someone who bears a resemblance to a celebrity. Depending on how close the likeness is, they might find themselves bombarded with requests for photos and autographs.

That’s a little awkward. However, there are a couple of ways they can handle it. Either they can disappoint everyone by breaking the news they’re not a celebrity or they can go along with it and enjoy a brief moment of what it feels like to be famous.

Presumably, everyone has a different method of handling the madness. Here are 65 people (and a couple of animals) who look eerily close to celebrities.

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