Homeschool Encouragement Notecards For Moms

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Hey there fellow homeschool mama! No matter where you are on this homeschool journey I am here to encourage you! With these 6 super cute homeschool encouragement notecards for moms, I am hoping to bring a little sliver of hope and joy to your day.

Homeschooling is amazing! The freedom, flexibility, and time spent with your kids, there are so many benefits. Yet it can also feel frustrating, overwhelming, and overstimulating, you get the picture.

I want to bring some practical encouragement to you today with these simple notecards to read when you need a little boost!

Besides using them for yourself as encouragement they also make great reminders to other homeschool mamas!

Ways to use these homeschool encouragement notecards:

  • Print out and frame for your homeschool room
  • Laminate and look through when feeling low
  • Pin to an inspiration board or gallery wall
  • Print on cardstock, wrap with ribbon, and gift the collection to fellow homeschool moms
  • Write a personal note on the back to give as a card to a friend
  • Share with the moms in your homeschool community/co-op
homeschool encouragement quote

Some homeschool days can just be hard. Forget the homeschooling aspect, some parenting days are just hard.

In the hard days, we can often lose sight of our why. It’s important to keep your family’s homeschool vision front and center to help keep you grounded in your reasons to continue homeschooling.

I recommend creating a family homeschool vision statement and printing it out to be visible all the time.

These notecards help to do the same thing, to keep you focused and grounded in your why, and to encourage you when those days feel extra long.

homeschool encouragement quote

Sometimes we need simple reminders to breathe, eat, and rest! In fact in the book of 1 Kings the prophet Elijah was on the run for his life. He was weary, afraid, and tired. Then the Angel of the LORD appeared to him and provided him with food and drink and commanded him to rest. After this, he was strengthened to continue on his journey. 1 Kings 19:1-9

Now, we are not running for our lives here, but the sentiment applies. Simply taking a moment to refuel and rest can greatly impact our daily strength and motivation to keep moving forward.

motherhood encouragement quote

More encouragement for homeschool moms

Another helpful reminder is that YOU are the best mom for YOUR child. We can often feel the opposite in a culture of comparison. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by what all those other moms on Instagram are doing.

If this is you, I encourage you to step back from social media. Re-engage with your kids 1:1, write a list of 10 items you are grateful for, and lean into your God-given abilities to mother your kids.

encouragement quote

I often think of the verse from Philippians 4:8 that reads:

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

This verse helps keep me centered when I feel stuck and don’t know my next move. Sometimes it’s just a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other situation and I am trying to keep my head afloat. Thinking of true, noble, and praiseworthy things often helps get my head above the water.

homeschool encouragement quote

Click the link above and save the PDF to your device. Print as often as needed. There are 6 designs, 4×6 notecard style images.

Some tips for printing:

  • Print one per page for full size. (My printer allowed for printing 2 per page, this changed the size to 2.75×3.5)
  • Print on cardstock or watercolor paper for high-quality notecards.
  • Print in color.

I hope these notecards bring encouragement to your day when you are feeling inadequate or overwhelmed.

As a homeschool mama myself I am cheering you on, you are not alone.

Through homeschooling, we can Rejoice About more time spent with our children and the family rhythm you are creating.

You got this!

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